Autor: Sarah Schembri

Daenerys white furcoat tutorial

Daenerys tutorial Daenerys‘ white fur coat form season 7 is one of my absolute favorite costumes of hers, so I finally managed to make write the tutorial. I totally fell in love with it once I saw it. It took […]

Stoffe zu verkaufen

Über die Jahre haben sich unzählige Stoffe bei mir im Atelier angesammelt. Restestücke und Stoffe die ich nie verwendet habe. Um Platz zu schaffen, habe ich mich dazu entschlossen die Stoffe zu verkaufen. Vielleicht ist ja auch etwas für dich […]

Daenerys dragon chain

I know I promised this tutorial sooner, but I had no time to write it until now, sorry! This is all about how I made Daenerys dragon chain 🙂 If you want to know, how I made the dress, please […]

Daenerys Qarth Dress Tutorial

Daenerys Qarth Dress Tutorial

This post is about how I made my Daenerys Qarth dress. Fabric and Pattern I used silk habotai in ice blue, which I bought from I bought 10 yards, but should have bought two more to make my train […]

Tauriel Dagger

My Tauriel daggers are made of wood. As I’m not so very skilled with wood crafting, I had some help with my daggers. I did the sketches and my boyfriend helped me with the crafting 🙂 And he did an […]

Tauriel Corset and Bracers

Tauriel Corset and Bracers

This is how I made Tauriels corset and bracers for the Mirkwood outfit. Hope you like it and find it helpful 🙂 Pattern & Mock up The base of every project is a good pattern. Here’s my pattern for the […]

Tauriel Mirkwood Tunic

You’re looking for some tipps on Tauriels Mirkwood dress? Then this is for you. Pattern The basis of every good costume is a good pattern. On this picur you can see the top part of my tunic. With raglan sleeves. […]

Tauriel Belt

Tauriel belt

Here’s a quick post on how I made my Tauriel belt. Hope you like it 🙂 Pattern First I did a test with just paper, here the stripes are 2.5 cm wide. It was a bit to wide and besides […]

Tauriel Traveling Cloak

Tauriel traveling cloak

A Tutorial on how I made my Tauriel traveling cloak. Pattern & Fabric Here’s my pattern for the cloak. The hood will come later, that’s why it’s missing 😉 The fabric I bought was to dark for my linking. As […]